Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Frustrated & Aggravated; Frustrada y Molesta

Today did not go well. I went to Moffitt 2 hours away and the doctor couldn't tell me anything because they hadn't received all the reports. They couldn't give me any new info., what type of breast cancer I had, final report on my staging, when I'd start chemo, etc. needless to say I was frustrated. The appointment only served as a meet and greet and what seemed like a million more appointments and tests. I have tried to keep a positive attitude but I failed today. Pray for God's comfort that everything will get worked out soon and I would maintain myself calm. I go back Feb. 2 and hopefully then I will have more information. Sorry guy!

No me fue muy bien hoy. Fui al centro de cancer que queda como 2 horas de la casa y cuando vi a mi Dra. No tenia toda la informacion. Asi que no me pudo dar ninguna informacion nueva. Queria gritar y llorar al mismo tiempo. Hoy tenia que ser el dia que me iban a informar cuando empiezo el chemo, radiacion, el reporte final de que tipo de cancer a las mamas que tenia, etc. pero no fue asi. He tratado de manterme con una buena actitute pero hoy me fue MUY dificil. Tengo que hacerme mas examenes y ojala para el 2 de Febrero voy a ver la Dra. de nuevo. Siento tanta frustracion por favor oren que el Senor me de calma. Perdona mis faltas ortograficas estoy escribiendo este blog sin ayuda porque se que muchos estaban oren por mi hora hoy dia. Lo siento chiquios.



Donna said...

Hang in there, girl....

Anna Ransom RN/BSN said...

Well aren't they efficient. At least you will have some more healing time before your next visit. I would call your surgeon though and make sure those results get there or ask for hard copies and carry them there. If they are nervous about your seeing the results which is insane since they are yours but this is the US not Chile, ask for them in a sealed envelope.

Hugs girl.

Adriana Conde said...

I contacted my surgeon's secretary...oh! I'm sorry, I thought I sent that. Why didn't theycall us earlier to let us know they hadn't received them?...IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY WHEN A PATIENT REQUEST THEM! Well they got to Moffitt and they still have to do a FISH test on the tissue to see if it is HERS + or -. The first test was inconclusive. We are praying for positive because then I'd qualify for a clinical study of a new drug. I'm estrogen and progesteron + and my Ki-67 is high. The last part is not good but the other are good. More waiting! UGH!

Anna Ransom RN/BSN said...

Then we will be praying for a positive. Sounds odd but I do understand. I hate waiting, patience may be a virtue but noone said it was a pleasant one. Feb. 2 is marked on my calendar.

Adriana Conde said...

I have patience, I just want things RIGHT NOW! Ha HA.

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About the author: Adrienne Conde

It has been a dream of mine to write a book but today that seems so limiting with blogging available. So this is where this little project of mine has lead me to a blog on my favorite book of the Bible: Proverbs. Feel free to leave comments, lessons learned, life experiences that validate, encouragement, etc. Join me on my quest for wisdom and my greatest burden- imparting this wisdom to Emma, my life project.
