Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It may have been a long time since we talked but that doesn't mean you are not dear to my heart. Today I’m writing you to give up an update and ask you a small favor. I am at the halfway mark of my chemotherapy for Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. What is that you ask?

Metastatic breast cancer is a complex multi-step process involving the expansion of cancerous cells from the breast to other areas of the body [in my case the lymph nodes and T-3 vertebrae in my back]. It is a serious complication of breast cancer, as metastatic disease in breast cancer is often fatal [ I refuse to be a statistic]… Breast cancer primarily metastasizes to the bone, lungs, regional lymph nodes, liver and to the brain, with the most common site being the bone[ mine has remained centralized right now to a small spot focalized in my T-3 only- Praise God!]. 

Enough mumbo-jumbo! I allowing God to do all the fighting, sitting back and letting Him do HIS will of healing and living every moment to the fullest for His glory and honor! Today I’m inviting you to join my Relay For Life® team, Butterflies of Hope and/or make a donation.

What is Relay for Life?

At Relay, teams of people  camp out at a local high school- Melbourne High School Baseball Field- take turns walking or running around a track or path. Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the event. Because cancer never sleeps, Relays are overnight events up to 24 hours in length.

Each year, more than 3.5 million people in 5,000 communities in the United States, along with additional communities in 20 other countries, gather to take part in this global phenomenon and raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer – LIKE ME! Thanks to Relay participants, the American Cancer Society continues to save lives.

Where do you come in?

I’m asking you to give up your Starbucks, McDonald’s, Coke, etc. for one week. That’s it! Instead put that money away in a jar or whatever and make a single donation by clicking the link on the side bar.

Every dollar helps me reach my personal goal of $500
 and team goal of $2,500.

Please, Please, Please make a small effort to contribute. I know times are hard. Believe me, I KNOW! I’ve lost my home, declared bankruptcy, and am living with my parents…I know. I’m BEGGING you, do this for me. The American Cancer Society has done so much for me and this is my way of giving back .

Your small donation helps in creating a world where cancer never steals another year from anyone’s life, yes, that includes mine. I want to live and the efforts of this organization is making huge advances toward the future and my Emma.  

I love you guys and am thankful to have you in my life.

Adrienne Conde
Butterflies of Hope, Team Captain


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About the author: Adrienne Conde

It has been a dream of mine to write a book but today that seems so limiting with blogging available. So this is where this little project of mine has lead me to a blog on my favorite book of the Bible: Proverbs. Feel free to leave comments, lessons learned, life experiences that validate, encouragement, etc. Join me on my quest for wisdom and my greatest burden- imparting this wisdom to Emma, my life project.
